Seeing as I have today off, I decided that I have the time to finally figure out to whom I should give the When Life Hands You Lemons award. I follow quite a few blogs and have been having a difficult time deciding who my 10 should be. Minka is the one who awarded this to me, and I would love to include her in my 10, but somehow that just doesn't seem right. After all, is it really fair to give an award to someone who's already recieved it and who passed it on to you? No, I didn't think so either, so we'll just consider Minka as the unofficial 11th reciever without actually passing it on. I hope that's alright, Minka :)
The terms and conditions set out for this award :
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.
I chose these people because they either make me laugh when I need to, or think when I've been rather lazy. Sometimes they make me see things in manners that I have never thought of before. All in all, they're a bunch of great people!
Now, without further ado, I give you my 10 Awardees:
1) Sue, over at Farvel Cargo for always making me smile!
2) Penny, over at Penny for your thoughts for making me think about the world when today's news say's nothing about it!
3) Etta Rose, over at Sanity on Edge for her Sunday Silliness blog posts where she consistently uses nothing but bloggers and/or blog names to write her post for Sunday's. There are always great links to bloggers I hadn't come across!
4) Jenn Thorson, over at Of Cabbages and Kings is good for a laugh as well!
5) John at Paintings Art etc always makes me see magical things with his photography. There are times when I can imagine fairies and unicorns, his pictures are so good!
6) Ah, and Sass from Are You Sassified, she posts these wonderful Friday's Fabulous Finds which always give me a new blogger to check out. Not only that, but she's outrageously funny!
7) And then there's Tracy over at Rambling Thoughts of the Neverending Mind. She's not afraid to tell it like it is, she's brutaly honest, and incredibly sweet. I can't help but love her posts!
8) Blunt over at Blunt Delivery has pointed out that we are kindred spririts. It seems that we think alike in a lot of ways!
9) Oh, we can't forget Frog, now can we? Frog comes to us from Frogs in my Formula, and you better make sure that you aren't eating or drinking when you read her blog! She makes you laugh so much that you'd choke, or spew a huge mess all over your computer if you were eating and or drinking!
10) I don't want to leave anybody out, so I'm including Nobody in my award recievership. He has this weekly posting blog, called Nobody 5-7-5, where all he posts is a picture. The object is to look at the picture, disect it in your mind, and then create a haiku for it. At the end of the week, when it's time to post a new pic, he goes through the postings that were made over the past week, picks one haiku from each blogger, and includes it in his post under said pic. I hope that makes sense :). Until I found that particular blog, I hadn't really enjoyed haiku's all that much, thanks to Nobody, I've started thinking in 5-7-5 parameters...lol.
Well, with that all said and done, I hope everyone accepts their prizes!
Until next time, Cheers and have a good weekend!
Sure it'a allright! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Skye! I'm always happy when I can make someone laugh. :)
ReplyDelete(tap, tap, tap) is this thing on?
ReplyDeletei really can't accept this award. REALLY.
... of all the thousands of blogs in the world, me? I just can't.
Wait. YES I CAN!
;) thanks skye.
Thank you Minka, I hope I did the award proud! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome Jenn! I do love to laugh, and you are great at causing laughter to spew forth for apparently no reason to anyone within hearing shot! It's a blast when they don't realize I'm on the 'puter :D
Blunt, yes the mic is on, can you stop the tapping now please, the speakers are starting to screach!?!jk I'm glad you found it within yourself to be able to accept this award. It was my pleasure and honor to have found you and been able to add you to my list! :D
Thank you so much for the award! I didn't expect it or I would have prepared a long and rambling speech!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, thank you for the award but, even more, thank you for the way you described me. I don't know how you got me after such a short time but you did!
Aargh, bloody haiku!
ReplyDeleteWhose daft idea were they?
They don't even rhyme!
Thanks for the award.
As they say in Vietnam -
Haiku numbah ten!
oh and I don't get one you Bitch. Be damn carefull the next time you ask me to cook fer Yuh.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome Tracy! The fact of the matter is that is exactly how you come across in your blog. When I made this post, I had probably only read about 8 of yours, if that, and that is just the way you appear! :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome Nobody
Don't matter whose idea
It's 5-7-5
Pffffst Swallow, like you'd bother handing out the award to others. That's the only reason I didn't give you one, it would stop dead at your doorstep! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
thanks skye, I am flattered.
ReplyDeletealso thanks for allowing me to enjoy silv havin a hissy fit!
funny, funny....
Thanks very much for this award! (blush) I'd like to thank the many people who helped me to get to the exulted position that I find myself in today, and I'd also like to thank, by name, all of the scumbags who actively hindered my every step of progress, honestly without you guys I would have given up years ago (smile, wave).
ReplyDeleteActually this would take some time so maybe it's better if I just grab this award and take the wonderful prize money straight to the bar, so if anybody wants a drink...I love you all!(blows kisses as he attempts to leave the stage in the wrong direction and has to be forced back the other way)
Penny, you're ever so welcome, I love to share the love ;)
ReplyDeleteJohn, I'm glad you're so enthused about the award! Now for the bar, I'll have a Guiness if you're buying :D