I'm sure the people with the pretty white fancy jackets that close in the back are fast on their way to pick me up. My kids, neighbor, her kids and I all went to the beach yesterday and there I realized that I'm crazy. I half expected my fancy jacket to be waiting for me when I got home. In fact I'm surprised it wasn't, perhaps it will come today.
As you've all noticed by now, my hair is incredibly short. Well my older 2 kids swim just as well as I do, and my youngest is fast on her way there. So my youngest (we'll call her Somebody Else, as whenever I ask who did something, she always reply's with that) and I swam half-way across the lake and back. When we got back to the beach, there were people set up on a blanket close by where we set up. Sombody Else is tanned even darker than I am, and has blond hair, but is just as good with accents as I am. Well, she decided to be a royal smartass and started to talk with an East Indian accent. If you know me at all, when one person starts with accents, I have to speak that way as well, especially if it's put on. Anyways, I started to talk like my kid and you should have seen the looks we got. I don't have much in the way of boobs and with my hair as short as it is, people looked at us real funny. One thing you have to understand, when I speak with this particular accent I sound like a boy who's voice just changed.
My neighbor doesn't swim so she was lying on the blanket watching, and enjoying, the show. Somebody Else is just as nasty as I am with voices, and smoothly switched to speaking with a Mexican Mennonite accent, which I followed. We had my neighbor in stiches, and the people lying on blankets and towels around us, really got confused. I swear some of the believe I truly am a male, dressed like a female. But when I broke into the Mexican accent, I really confused them because then there is no mistaking that I'm female. Well my neighbor has her own very strong accent, which she can't get rid of as she's from Honduras, and has never shed her Spanish accent. (My tan is her natural color, and Somebody Else is darker yet...sheesh).
My older 2 (Nobody, and Not Me, for the same reasons as Somebody Else) came up and broke into Native American accents. You can just imagine the confusion with all these different accents floating around and changing quicker than you can say "Jack rabbit". Well my neighbors youngest is 3 yrs old, and she (we'll call her Trouble, as she's always asking "You looking for trouble?"), decided to start speaking Spanish. That made Nobody, Not Me, and Somebody Else, start to speak in French with these mixed up accents, and I decided to switch over to sign language. No one could understand each other as none of us are fluent in French, Spanish or Sign. Our conversation was nothing but a bunch of jibberish, but we had fun, and truly enjoyed the looks on everyone elses faces. It went from people looking at us from the corners of their eyes, to out right staring. People just couldn't help but stare in outright astonishment at our behaving in such an outrageous manner.
So like I said, I won't be surprised when that fancy white jacket shows up in an ambulance with more than a few attendants. Nor will I be shocked to find out that there is one for Nobody, Not Me and Somebody Else either.
Well I'm off for a walk right now, perhaps my whole house will be turned into a rubber room by the time I get back. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad, after all if my house were made of rubber, the kids and I would have a lot of fun jumping around everywhere......lol.
What if you can't stop bouncing from the walls?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was great fun and pretty harmless - some people break things for fun. You were just working ut your brain muscle by trying o follow the accent and think of a new one.
Well Minka, all I can truly say is that it gave an awful lot of people something to think about, as well as laugh about. We all had a great time, and most of the people who were confused at first, were laughing by the end of it all!
ReplyDeleteThat's a good deed then! Do you realize how much a good laugh is worth? Be proud!!:D
ReplyDeleteA good laugh is worth the world Minka! That's why at work I always go to extra lengths to make co-workers laugh. The day goes by much to slowly without smiles and enjoyment!
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ReplyDelete666; The Final Solution; and the Claim
- Peter Ingestad, Sweden
Advertisement is right Kraxplex! I just read your mumbo jumbo, and it makes no sense whatsoever! I'm allowing your post simply because that way, other people who see this, read it, know to stay away from you in the future. I don't tolerate advertisements in my blog well, so be forewarned that any futher such posts will not be allowed, and could very well result in having you banned from my blogs!
ReplyDeleteIf you care to comment on the post written, fine, do so, otherwise, knock off the b.s.!
By the way, I spelled your name wrong intentionally, you don't deserve proper recognition!
ReplyDeletehaha. that was pretty funny. ah i just can't wait for the days until i can have some perfect children of my own, who can educate me on the ways of the world.
ReplyDeleteI am so confused. But I'm laughing, and I guess that's all that matters! You'd be a hoot camping!
ReplyDeleteOh, they're by no means perfect, Blunt. Funny and fun to be around occassionally, yes, perfect, definitely not...lol. They do come pretty close at times however :D
ReplyDeleteWell Mary, you'd certainly be entertained! I don't like to be bored, and well, that makes for having a lot of fun with voices and such!