Sunday, June 21

More Flowers

I'm sure you're all getting sick of my pictures of my flower beds, but too bad, I love my flowers and I'm going to share them with you in the only way I can :P. Just kidding, I really hope you enjoy these as much as I do. I just have one question, have any of you ever seen a Hen-'n'-Chick that grows tall like this? I never have, these have never done this before and I'm curious to find out why this one's doing it now. I have quite a few of them lining the front of this particular garden, and it's just the one with the one young that's growing in this manner, really interesting I must say!

I call this a Brocolli plant because that's what it reminds me of, but I really don't know it's proper name. Around the first frost in fall, the little green buds on the top of each branch will turn a lovely crimson. It's name is something like Autumn Sunset or some such, but my memory doesn't serve me too well unfortunately!


  1. Your flowers are lovely and your photos - keep them coming!

  2. I'm pretty sure your broccoli plant is an Autumn Joy Sedum. But I like your name better:))

  3. Thank you Minka, and because you ask so nicely I'll do just that :) At least as I have new flowers in bloom I will!

    FlyDragon, welcome to my blogging home, I always love to see new faces showing up! :) Autumn Joy Sedum, huh!?! I'll have to remember that, thanks!

  4. The flowers look great! I just love lily of the valley - such a glorious smell!

  5. oh, i just spent like 5 hours taking pics of all my mom's gardens. love, love the pretty flowers.

    except i can't keep one alive to save my life

  6. The flowers look really nice and I bet they smell good too!Just keep them coming. I can get good ideas from the pictures of your flowers. My yard needs alot of help.LOL!!

  7. Thank you Deb! The only problem with the Lily of the Valley is that I've got them in front of my deck where I like to sit in my swing chair, and I'm allergic to them ever so slightly :( But you know what, I really don't care about my floral allergies, I'd rather enjoy the beauty and suffer a stuffy nose than have a spot that is nothing but a combo of gravel and dirt.

  8. Blunt, that's why I only have perennials and flowers that reseed themselves, I can't keep things alive otherwise I hope you're going to be sharing your flowers on your blog :)

  9. Thank you Donna! I'm glad to be of service! I do hope that you get a lot of ideas from not only this blog but also from others you visit :)


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